
One of the most environmentally friendly and cost effective projects you can carry out is extending.

Rather than knocking down and rebuilding we can save the embodied carbon already ‘spent’ in your home and add the space you need in the most efficient manor possible.

Send through your existing plans

Don’t worry if your existing plans call for a traditional foundation and brick & block. We can convert any design into a high performing yet low carbon one.

Tell us what else you would like doing

An extension is rarely a project on its own. When we extend we typically replace a kitchen, add a utility or extra bathroom not to mention works to the garden with decking, pergolas and outdoor kitchens.

Let us deal with the rest.

Like our new builds extensions are charged at a flat £2,000 per m2 fee. We can’t tell you how much the refit element will cost but a sensible amount to budget for would be £500 per m2.

Our current extension project

Extend and make your home perfect for your family