Our TimberSlab

Our TimberSlab provide an efficient, sustainable foundation for new build homes, annexes and extensions. They are quick to install, reducing construction timelines and require no curing time - ready for use immediately.

Environmentally-friendly, ground screws minimise soil disruption and CO2 emissions as there is little to no concrete being poured.

Essentially our TimberSlab allows us to build from a perfectly flat insulated foundations. This is done by accurately using screw piles to create a grid, the total number or screws and the grid formation is produced using calculations based on the overall load and load bearing walls (get the pun, Load Bear!). A timber frame (just like the ones that will make the walls of your house) is then constructed over the screws. We then carefully insulate the base to ensure maximum thermal efficiency, our preferred insulations is wood fibres but we appreciate that sometimes we will need to use something else. Its then covered with a waterproof subfloor which we can build straight off.

Sunk screw pile grid in large garden
Timber base from before being insulated.
Sustainable insulation choice